Contact session costs vary depending on the package chosen. Please see pricing details below

Fees for supported centre services are £2.50 per hour for unemployed and £7.50 per hour for employed parents.

Service     Cost Supervised
Referral Fee – Administration and risk assessment associated with the management of referrals to the contact centre. This is charged to the person referring to the centre and payment will need to be cleared before the referral process can commence.

Click here to pay fee

Supervised Contact, Private – This fee covers the cost of one supervisor, per hour working with one family. An additional £25 fee includes a report of observations. £65ph
Supervised Contact, (two supervisors) Private – Sometimes we might be able to support your family with increased staffing. The cost shown is reflective of providing one additional staff member. £120ph
Supervised Contact, Local Authority – This fee covers the cost of one supervisor per hour working with one family. An additional £25 fee includes a report of observations. £120ph
Supervised Contact, (two supervisors) Local Authority – Sometimes we might be able to support your family with increased staffing. The cost shown is reflective of providing one additional staff member. £180ph
Contact supervision report fee per supervisor, per contact session. £25
Administration – sometimes we are asked to write additional reports. We can assist with this, but the following fee applies. We require 10 working days post-fee payment to complete such reports. £50-250
Travel fee for any journey more than 45 mins outside Southwark borough £20pp

per 45mins each way

The referral fee can be made payable to the bank details below:

Prime Time Charity

NatWest Bank

Account no. 21661553

Sort code: 50-10-29

Cancellation Policy

You will be charged the full fee (less report fee) where you give under 24 hour notice of cancellation which must be by email. The fee charged is 50% where you give -24-48 hours notice to us, by email, of cancellation. You will not be charged if you give 48 hour or more notice.